Baby #2??👶🏼


We’re expecting baby number 2 February 2019!!

We’re so happy & excited to add another precious baby girl to our family! I’ve kept this a mystery for way to long (oops!) but now EVERYONE knows!!!

Currently 32 weeks and I definitely feel it! Getting comfortable at night is getting harder & harder! Give me all the pillows!!🤣

We haven’t came up with a name yet but have one in mind!

This pregnancy has been pretty easy besides being extra tired! 😴

Follow along to see the rest of this journey 🖤

Christmas gifts for one year old!!

It’s almost Christmas!! Here are 5 things you can buy your one year old for Christmas that they’ll love!


Sweet Seats Children Chairs:

Only $30! They’re soo adorable and affordable at the same time!!Madelynn is actually getting one for Christmas and I can’t wait to see her reaction!


Little Tikes Cozy Coupe!!

$59! Also available in red!! Toddlers love these!! I even had one whenever I was a toddler! They have a removable floor and handle for parent controlled pushing if your little one isn’t walking yet!


Fisher-Price Rock-A-Stack

Only $9! Madelynn has this toy and she LOVES it. She’ll even put the rings on her wrist and walk around with them! It’s so cute! Definitely a good Christmas gift without spending a whole lot of money!


Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Crawl around car

$60 but it has everything for your toddler to learn from shapes, colors, & the alphabet! 75+ sing along songs, tunes, & phrases! Also great if your one year old isn’t walking quite yet! It’s so cute too!


Leap Frog My Pal

$22!! Madelynn has this and it’s so great! You can customize it so it’ll spell & say your babies name, favorite color & food! It has a timer of 5, 10, & 15 minutes of bedtime music which puts her to sleep most of the time!

I hope you liked my 5 suggestions on what to get your one year old for Christmas! Don’t forget to subscribe to see future posts!

It snowed!!❄️

I can’t believe it snowed!! Madelynn was a tiny baby when she first saw the snow last year! Picture below!

Now she can play & walk in it so we just had to go out and play in it before it starts melting tomorrow!! 🖤 Enjoy this short video!

Little moments like this makes my heart so happy!!

Hello I’m Allison!

Hey you guys! Welcome to my blog! This is a post all about who I am! I’m a stay at home momma with a one year old daughter named Madelynn!

Isn’t she precious?? 💞 All of my days are spent with her! Being her mommy is the best thing to have ever happened to me!

Besides being a full time momma I also love decorating & shopping for clothes and makeup! Who doesn’t love shopping though?? I love to find the best deals on everything!

I’m engaged to Madelynns Daddy! He works on a farm!🖤 We love to go see him and ride with him!

Me and him are high school sweethearts! I’m 20 & he is 22! We live in Arkansas!

Be sure to follow along to see my next post! 🖤

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